You can download ZEsarUX following the link below. You will get your real Sinclair on your PC.
#Sinclair zx spectrum launchbox Pc
Added setting to resample audio output to 1 bit The best and most complete Sinclair ZX Spectrum E mulator for PC - Windows that you will find Only Sinclair. SINCLAIR ZX SPECTRUM BASIC Programming By Steven Vickers Edited by Robin Bradbeer Converted to electronic text by Chris Owen (Internet email: ) Original edition published in 1982-83 by Sinclair Research Limited This version published in 1995 by Chris Owen on behalf of Amstrad plc Cover illustration by John Harris of Young.Added setting to rotate output tape when selecting tape that already exists.Added emulation of AY chip MIDI registers 14 & 15 and route them to an external MIDI device Media in category 'Sinclair ZX Spectrum' The following 89 files are in this category, out of 89 total.All BIOS files have been verified in agreement with System.dat (Ver.) from Libretro-database. Added a new compiled version for FreeBSD This repository is the BIOS collection for RetroPie.To prove his point, at the Spectrums launch he knocked down the price of the ZX81s RAM pack from £49.95 to £29.95, although the price of the ZX Printer was raised to £59.95.

Initially created to be a ZX Spectrum emulator, Cesar Hernandez’s program quickly extended its capabilities to other Z80-based machines, including Amstrad CPC, Jupiter ACE, and SAM Coupe. There was a big showcase of some old computer stuff, I don’t really know much about this kind of stuff, but some things were from the 70s and quite unique. Sinclair was convinced that, The ZX81 will continue to be ideal for the person who wants the lowest possible entry cost into computing. ZEsarUX is open-source and multiplatform, having off-the-shelf installers for Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspberry PI, and many others. The well-regarded ZEsarUX emulator reached version 9.0 bringing a foot-long list of new features and improvements, notably the addition to non-Sinclair machines like MSX, Colecovision, Spectravideo, and SEGA SG-1000.