In one project, she took a a job as a housekeeper in a motel, and would photograph the belongings of the guests and pair them with stories she made up about them based around what she thought their possessions said about who they were.
She was the first artist I had encountered that was using photography as a tool for performance as opposed to just documentation, and her case the performance centered around the concept of identity and more specifically, voyeurism. One of my thesis advisors was a brilliant photographer who introduced me to the work of Sophie Calle whose work completely blew my mind. I was an arty teen and ended up studying painting in college. My dad was huge Sherlock Holmes fan and as a kid my heroes were Nancy Drew and Encyclopedia Brown. It wasn’t until we re-watched Blair Witch last weekend (for me the first time in 17 years) that I was able to connect my obsession with the genre to a long recurring thread in my life that traces back as long as I can remember. Thanks to my horror-obsessed husband, in the past year or so I’ve been on a steady diet of the good, the bad, and the ugly of found footage horror with no regrets. “I saw the Blair Witch Project in the theaters in 1999, and while I don’t remember much about the experience besides being totally freaked out, I knew it was unlike anything I had ever seen and the start of something really big and exciting.
(Also, full disclosure, Vanessa and I are starting a night called New Jack WITCH next month that should appeal to anyone reading this.) Vanessa Irena, aka knifesex, who also happens to have a side-job as being both my wife and Mr Frito Burrito’s mom, doesn’t so much have a history of being a huge horror film fanatic, but has an incredibly compelling history with the original film nonetheless, so I’ve asked her to recount it here.
I recently spoke to Josh Strawn of Azar Swan about the impact The Blair Witch Project had on horror films, and it got me thinking about what impact the film had on other loved ones in my life, so i turned to (Borat voice) my wife.
We’re just a week out from Blair Witch, the only movie I’ve ever wanted to see more than the OG The Blair Witch Project. Welcome back to the hottest hot news of 2016: Blair Witch Watch.